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Zapping Low Email Engagement into High Gear for Bincom Dev Center



Bincom Dev Center, a tech training institute, faced a drop in email engagement that was as unwelcome as a cat at a dog show. They needed a digital superhero to save the day. Enter: Me.

(Proof Below)


  • Nature of the Problem: Low email open rates and engagement. Ouch!

  • Impact of the Problem: Lead generation was taking a nosedive faster than a skydiver without a parachute.






  • Targeted Segmentation: Used detailed audience segmentation to create personalized and relevant email content(Link to content:

  • Compelling Subject Lines: Developed engaging and curiosity-inducing subject lines to improve open rates.

  • A/B Testing: Implemented A/B testing for subject lines and email content to determine the most effective strategies.

  • Engaging Content: Created valuable and engaging content tailored to the interests and needs of the recipients.

  • Set up segmented email lists in Zoho CRM. Easy peasy.

  • Designed new email templates with content so engaging, it practically jumps out of the inbox.

  • Scheduled emails based on optimal engagement times, like a digital marketing ninja.



Concrete Wall


There are many metrics to look out for in an email campaign but the 3 key ones I like to look out for are open rate, click-through rate, and click-to-open rate.

Link to actual campaign pictures:

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What's a succesfull campaign?

A good open rate is between 17-28%.

A good click-to-open rate is between 6-7%

A good click-through rate is between 2-5%


These numbers are cut across any industry(src: Campaign Monitor)

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What i got

  • Increased email open rates to 35% – boom!

  • Boosted click-through rates by almost 100% – double boom!

  • Overall engagement improved

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“I remember when Itohan shared the first test run email campaign results with me, apologizing because she thought they were poor. I found it quite funny because, in reality, she had exceeded industry benchmarks. I had to send her the industry statistics to show what a good email campaign is. I realized then the incredibly high standards she sets for herself..”

Dare (Team Mentor, Bincom)

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